In order to visualize what are parallel universes, you have to be introduced to new scales and concepts. The Universe is basically 5 dimensions, and is unknown except to a select few of mankind! You are familiar with the first three axis of ordinary space, x, y, and z. The fourth is time. We have to setup a defined three-dimensional box, with defined distances, to explain the fifth dimension. The time progression, forward or reverse of matter and energy within the box is the fourth dimension. The fifth dimension involves vibrational frequency. This frequency is super imposed on matter and energy at the sub atomic level. This would be called its resonant frequency. The fifth dimension has many different levels. In these infinite levels, matter and energy exists in a natural state. What mankind does not know is that matter and energy, and that which is the essence of life, exists at different vibrational frequencies. Each vibrational level is independent from each other, but occupy the same space. Atoms of different frequencies do not mix; they simply slide past each other. To get a clearer picture, lets put part of the Universe in a finite 3 dimensional box, and observe what you would see, and what laws would apply. We would start at the base vibrational frequency for matter and energy. This would be our Universe and laws, represented by the name density level 3. Now a new formula and concept has to be introduced to help you understand. Density Constant = [Time (measured in progression)] * [speed of Light (C)]. Mankind is familiar with the density constant by another name, the cosmological constant. For all levels in the fifth dimension, the density constant is the same, but T and C vary in proportion. Meanwhile to an observer in any confined level in the fifth dimension, light will travel its new rate of speed per standard unit of time. Once outside the levels, variations occur in relation to each other. The progression of time is transparent to you, because you have no anchor points or comparisons. Now, lets increase the vibrational frequency governing some of the mass and energy until it completely transposes up to the next level of existence, density level 4. For an example, let heat equal the vibrational frequency of the atomic structure, and water molecules at 20 degrees F. equal mass and energy. Increase the heat, and some of the water molecules move from a solid to a liquid at a particular point, approximately 32 degrees F. The water molecules are still the same, but in a different form. The higher energy levels consist of lower mass density levels, and new laws of motion. Ice and liquid water can be in the same area, but the molecules do not mix. They slide past each other, creating an environment independent from each other. Also vibrational rates just like temperature can vary and still stay at a confined density level. Now the matter and energy in the box at density level 3 is still there, but you can’t see or interact with matter and energy at density level 4. At density level 4 a new Universe appears, less dense in the number of stars, and in the density of matter itself. What else has changed? Some stars will be in the same positions, but the luminosity may be different. There are stars in new locations, but quite are few missing. In fourth density, the density of the Universe is less in comparison to third, our level. Mankind thought that light is a constant, but in fourth density light has a velocity approximately 17 times faster than in third density. Time is progressively slower in fourth density than in third, but to an entity in third density it seems the same. When the frequency is moved density level 5 the velocity of light is squared from the speed in level 4. Time slows down in proportion. When light leaves a star in the Zeta Reticuli system, which is 38 light years away. It takes approximately 1.6 months for light to arrive at Earth in fifth density. All next levels repeat. What controls this? There is a subatomic particle, which is not known to most of mankind. This subatomic particle controls the resonant frequency of the atomic structure, where matter and energy exists. The more the subatomic particle increases in proportion to the affected mass, the resultant frequency becomes higher. Higher dimensions are created at certain frequency break points. Each level is a Quantum leap for differentials in time and the speed of light. You are now pondering to yourself, what does all this mean? Some potential applications are, traveling faster than the speed of light, making it possible to have surgery without breaking the skin, and the ability to transport matter to different locations instantly. The ability to pass through solid matter in 3rd density when in a transition phase move to or from 4th density, and the ability to manipulate the flow of time are some of the benefits for density shifting.
To perceive an abstract idea of time differentials that is between the densities, let time in the fourth density be represented by a sine wave completing one cycle with a wavelength of equal to the distance A. The amplitude of the sine wave will equal to a number represented by B, and the amplitude also corresponds to the vibrational rate of matter and energy in the fourth density. Both A and B are constants. Now I will compare a fourth density time sine wave form to a third density sine wave and observe the differences. In the third density, the time sine wave now completes 17 cycles in the same space governed by distance A. The amplitude of the waveform is .0588B or 1/17 its original height, and corresponds to a lower vibrational rate of matter and energy in the third density (Earth Plane). If you were to unravel both sine waves into a straight line, one cycle in fourth density and seventeen cycles in third density both would be equal. To the entities that live in each density, one cycle of the sine wave would equal one unit of perceived time. Therefore one day in fourth density is like seventeen days in third.
I want to thank God for bestowing knowledge
from grantchronicles.com
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