miercuri, 23 aprilie 2008
duminică, 6 aprilie 2008
You really should watch this video conferrence about aliens
This is the most amazing video in human history, where all the big people talk about proofs
of extraterrestrial life and how the governs of the world manage to hide it from the public eye.
Don't judge untill you haven't seen the video.
Para los que entienden, eso es lo mas spectacular video en la historia de la humanidad y
presenta la existencia de los aliens y como los gobiernos del mundo tratan de esconder la verdad
que es para todo el publico - avisado o no.
No digas nada si no has visto el video.
Un clip care trateaza existenta extraterestrilor si cum reusesc guvernele lumii sa ascunda aceasta fata de public. Eu zic ca merita sa fie vazut, mai ales ca in acest clip sunt prezente numai personalitati (ce-i drept mai putin cunoscute) care detin si functii de conducere in institutii destul de importante.
Vizionare placuta si astept comentarii.
miercuri, 2 aprilie 2008
Theory of big-bang:
anyway, the string is stronger.
and the greatest video of truth of humanity is
read and get wiser.
watch and understnd
think, and you'll be the king of the universe
marți, 1 aprilie 2008
Aubrey de Grey and !mmortal people
This is suppose to change everything in your life.
Even your life.
I am waiting for your opinions in your commentaries.